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Friday: 1:30 p.m. (Shortened)





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The King Came to Serve – April 7, 2020

Categories: Daily Devotions,Devotions,WELS Daily Devotions

“He made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant.”
Philippians 2:7

The King Came to Serve

Daily Devotion – April 7, 2020

Devotion based on Philippians 2:7

See series: Devotions

A sign of success in our society is having more people serve you, climbing the corporate ladder to the top, never being satisfied to serve without getting any recognition or reward.

Jesus was so different! “He made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant.” He came to serve. He came to serve the widow whose son had died and the young man whose wealth made him think he had it all. He came to serve the crowds that came to him in the midday sun and the individual that came to him under the cover of darkness. He came to serve the proud Pharisee and the ashamed tax collector. He came to serve parents and children, Jews and Gentiles, weak and strong, young and old.

Jesus didn’t serve to gain political leverage. He wasn’t pursuing personal gain or expecting something in return from a single soul he served. His life wasn’t about him. He had the authority to rule over everyone, but instead, he chose to become the humblest and the lowliest servant.

And he did this…for you. Because God’s law demands selfless love for him and each other, our selfish thoughts and actions make us worthy of shame and servitude. But love compelled Jesus to get down on his hands and knees to serve you. Love compelled Jesus to spend time with the lowly and despised, knowing that such a selfless service would cause others to despise and reject him. Love compelled Jesus to get dirty with the filth of our sin to wash us clean. Love compelled King Jesus to serve you and me and set us free to serve him in joy now and always.

Jesus, my King, you served me when I was most unworthy. Let me live to serve you all my days. Amen.

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